I do not believe the truth lies in the middle at all.
i would agree that they deserved credit for this if their concern and their intent was in bringing about these changes, or even over concern with invasiveness of procedures or perhaps risk with using blood. BUT NONE OF THIS IS THE CASE.
the motive of the teaching is nothing more or less than simply following a certain interpretation of their book. That is all. It is very convenient that many medical professionals see blood as over used and in some case risky, and these opinions were only used by Witnesses to further emphasize their beliefs but the belief had nothing to do with any desire to help the medical field in any way.
The reality is that they selfishly and disgustingly enforced this rule and killed hundreds if not thousands wantonly. They deserve no credit for these developments because they at no point care whether or not they come about whatsoever. Their sole concern is whether their followers are following their cult rules and nothing more. Bloodless development is only a convenient event they can twist the bolster their reputation, when in fact they deserve no credit.
Their only reasons for denying treatment had nothing to do with anything more than a twisted understanding of scripture. It was not concern over risk or activism for change in procedure. As such they deserve no credit. It's a simple moral equation.